Music, ecology and living well in challenging times

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Six steps to spiritual practice

Six steps to spiritual practice

Do you really want to do regular spiritual practice, but it’s just not happening?
Your good intentions go astray soon after you get home from the meditation retreat.
It took me many years to find a regular practice of my own.
By regular, I mean most days. And not just when you feel like it.
Here are six of my favourite spiritual practices.

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Strumbling in: music and friendship

Strumbling in: music and friendship

On Saturday afternoons, you’ll find me making music with my friends.
Our group is collectively known as the Strumbles.
It’s much more than a ukulele group. It’s musical play, friendship, a chance to use our voices collaboratively. And much more.
Our sweet spot is jamming together, in someone’s living room, on the back porch or at a party.

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One magic day

One magic day

In New Zealand it’s spring. That’s the wrong season for Hallowe’en.
But, in our death defying, death-denying culture, a festival that celebrates and honours the dead is worth noticing
I think we can celebrate both Hallowe’en and spring.

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